The Journal of Counselor Practice (JCP) is listed in EBSCO, one of the largest online academic databases in education and the social sciences.
The JCP publishes empirical research, critical reviews, and theoretical articles that promote innovative practice and advance the field of professional counseling. The JCP offers open access to its recent publications.
Practitioners and scholars may utilize the content provided in our publications in their professional services and research.
About the JCP
The Journal of Counselor Practice (JCP) is a national, peer-reviewed journal that publishes empirical research, critical reviews, and theoretical articles that promote innovative practice and advance the field of professional counseling. Manuscripts typically fall into one of the following categories, although other kinds of submissions may be appropriate to the journal's readership:
Counseling Practice: Articles focus on innovative methods and approaches in professional counseling practice in diverse settings, treatment outcomes, professional identity, leadership development, and social justice and advocacy.
Clinical Supervision: Articles focus on innovative supervisory methods and approaches, existing supervision models and frameworks, the supervisory relationship, and the supervisee/supervisor development.
Counselor Preparation: Articles focus on counselor training, counselor education curriculum, pedagogical approaches, innovative practice in counselor education, and topics related to the experiences of counseling students and counselor educators.
Potential Authors
The JCP currently accepts manuscripts from national and international scholars and researchers in the field of counseling. Please read the Guidelines for Authors prior to submitting your manuscript.